Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bloody Mary Review: The Happy Gnome

Place: The Happy Gnome

Location: 498 Selby Ave., St Paul, MN 55102

Day: Tuesday, December 20

Time: 2:30 p.m.

Temperature: Around 34 degrees

Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor

The Happy Gnome is a nice bar/restaurant with lots of warmth and friendly atmosphere. Woodwork lines the room and a well placed fireplace accents the space perfectly. Plenty of room for moving around with friends, and lots of parking space. ( Which always draws to mind the question "If it's illegal to drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?" ) With over 75 beers to choose from, the humor isn't lost on me that I ordered a Bloody Mary and it arrived without a beer chaser. Guess they don't want to run out. LOL! I'm sure I could have gotten one if requested, but as always I chose to see what the bar does instead. The bartender had a good sense of humor, which tends to go a long ways in my decision to return to an establishment.

There wasn't anything to frilly about The Happy Gnome, but it did have pure comfort. A chalkboard sign on the wall offered you a choice of specials, and the dining area was kept well separated from the bar area allowing diners to relax and eat in peace while drinkers ... well, drinkers drink.

As for the Bloody Mary, the review isn't as good. It wasn't horrible by any means, but it was a bit over spiced and stronger on the alcohol side than hoped for. This gave it a bit more of a water taste, while knocking out the flavor and burning the gullet. The "extras" were on the lower end of the scale. A lime wedge, a pickle, and an olive, were all that adorned the rim of this cocktail. On the bright side, it did come with a salt ring, but just your average celery salt and nothing major to write home about. The price also was a bit of a down turn. At about $7.68 for the cocktail, I'd like to have gotten more out of it than just a burning tongue.

Would I visit The Happy Gnome again? You bet I would. One drink does NOT a bar make. The atmosphere and the staff, the parking and the location, each of these add up to an excellent experience. I would very much like to go back and give the food a test run. Would I visit the Happy Gnome again just to get a Bloody Mary. Sadly, no. Would I visit it to get a Bloody Mary that gives a buzz and a kick? Maybe, but plenty of bars can offer that. I like my Bloody's to have flavor and a meal attached at the top. A matter of taste.

End results:

Location : A

Parking: A ( Street & Lot Parking)

Bar/Restaurant Appearance: A

Staff: A+

Bloody Mary Appearance: B

Bloody Mary Extras: C

Bloody Mary Itself: C

Price: C ( $7.68 )

Bloody Mary Review: W.A. Frost & Company

Place: W.A. Frost And Company

Location: 374 Selby Avenue, St Paul, MN 55102

Day: Tuesday, December 20

Time: 11:30 a.m.

Temperature: Around 34 degrees

Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor

This place is one of those gems that you would swear you only find in cities such as Chicago or New York. Best description would be to call this place "Total Class." While the menu was not set to break the budget ( in fact, it was set to prices of an average diner ) the food was outstanding! The atmosphere, outstanding! The service, outstanding!

The Bloody Mary ...

The extras were well chosen and added an interesting twist with the addition of pickled beans. A VERY well chosen addition indeed. The flavor mixed well and added a nice compliment to the drink. The Bloody Mary was a bit on the spicy side, and did offer a good kick. Those faint of heart to spices may opt for a different drink. The flavor of the mix was well proportioned to the amount of alcohol and had good tomato flavor without being watery. A beer chaser was actually offered by the waitress as an option as opposed to just being assumed. And an excellent choice of beer chasers it was. Not sure what the brand, but it definitely had flavor to spare. My only negative critique of this cocktail would be the lack of a salt ring on the glass—something noticed by one of my fellow diners ( who had chosen the same drink ) as well.

If it appears by the photo below that there was quite the substance to this drink with plenty of thickness via additives, you would be correctly envisioning it. Nothing to choke on, but plentiful enough for me to describe this drink as having "pulp."

End results:

Location : A

Parking: B ( Street & Lot parking)

Bar Appearance: A

Staff: A+

Bloody Mary Appearance: B

Bloody Mary Extras: B

Bloody Mary Itself: A

Price: Unknown ( Purchased for me )